Eschatology 101
I previously maintained two websites, and . You’ll just find a placeholders at those addresses now, and I have no intention of reviving them. However, since discontinuing them, some former readers have expressed an interest in having that content available. I won’t be reproducing everything here, but I will be posting what I consider to be the core of that information, as time permits. These articles are primarily for those new to the study of fulfilled eschatology, and they are largely the product of my own journey.
Another Site About Eschatology? Why?
The most reasonable explanation is that people are different. We can look at the same truth and organize or present it in different ways. You’ve probably had teachers who knew their subject well, but their method of presentation just didn’t communicate effectively with you. Your most pleasant learning experiences have been with teachers who really connected with your way of learning.
While there are many excellent sites that are far more comprehensive than this will ever be, our prayer is that we can communicate the message in a way that reaches some readers more effectively than existing resources. We are constantly looking for ways to improve and your input is encouraged. Now, a bit about this site.
Almost daily we are inundated with messages from prominent pulpits about the imminent coming of the end of the world in some fiery holocaust. According to these modern day prophets, the world is in a downward spiral that will culminate in the rapture of the church and all that is supposed to be triggered by that event (depending on one’s tradition).
But, how many Christians ever take the time to study these things for themselves? Sadly, very few. Most just learn to parrot back what they were taught. In time, they become very comfortable with their tradition and are so defensive of it they cannot even entertain the idea they might be wrong. That is a dangerous place to be in regard to any biblical doctrine.
A few have actually read the prophecies, but they don’t have a personal understanding because they have not studied them. They read the prophetic language and find the figures confusing. Instead of taking the time to learn how those figures are used in scripture, they adopt the word of a pulpiteer or fiction writer and drop anchor.
If that describes you, are you willing to at least allow a little slack in the anchor line so you can investigate prophecy for yourself? Don’t you really want to be able to understand scripture for yourself instead of relying on others? We want to give you the tools to do just that.
As you browse this site, understand that we are only giving you information to provoke you to further study. While we’ve drawn our conclusions and share them here, diligence in study persuades us we still have plenty to learn. If you stick with us, you’ll see changes as our understanding of this subject becomes clearer.
Covenant eschatology is generating a great deal of discussion in the Christian community, and you will almost certainly encounter it sooner or later. There is no better time to begin preparing yourself to be an informed participant in that discussion than right now!
Whether you agree with our conclusions or not, it is imperative that you examine these things for yourself and KNOW why you believe what you believe! When you do, you will begin a journey that will indeed bless your life. May today be your day to begin that journey.